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Teulu yn Sir y Fflint, Gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru ydym ni. Dan ni’n gwerthu bathodynnau i gefnogi’r gymuned Gymraeg ac mae'r holl elw yn mynd i Hosbisau Plant TÅ· Gobaith.


Dan ni’n hapus i drafod bathodynnau personol. Mae croeso iawn i chi anfon e-bost atom yn


Diolch am ymweld â'n gwefan.


We are a family in Flintshire, North-East Wales. We are selling badges to support the Welsh-speaking community and all proceeds go to Hope House Children's Hospices.


We are happy to discuss custom badges. Please feel free to email us at


Thank you for visiting our website.

Amdanom Ni
About Us

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